Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sobotix Traffic Blaster [ransomware]

I really don't understand how I can get Ramsonware from the biggest forum in Internet Money Making Forum in the World.
Yesterday, I downloaded this shitty Sobotix Traffic Blaster, I don't remember the member's name, this was the thread https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/freeware-sobotix-traffic-blaster-underdevelopment.1059701/ and I got this ramsonware which locked some of my files and were locked by that shitty KRAKEN CRYPTOR.

I will not lose anything cause I always have everything on external hard disk so this is not my problem. The problem is that now I should install new Windows which will take time. My question is where are the mods the thread was alive for maybe 2-3 days I am not sure, isn't that what the mods are for?At least to check the thread and delete it? Anyway, it's my fault that's why I hate giveaways and sh**t like that. PEOPLE please just do not download anything that you don' need. I am not sure 100% that I got this ramsonware from this thread but when I downloaded that software it created strange files so it is 99% from it.
Here is video for this bot

and I also saw the same thread posted on other forums which I don't want to mention here, cause they were never good as BHW was. If any other member was affected please write here, if not please post some solution I just installed SpyHunter 5.

Oh if only I can sometimes meet that guy in real world, he doesn't know what I can do (if it is girl it will be better) you know what I mean.

source : https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/be-aware-ransomware-freeware-sobotix-traffic-blaster-underdevelopment.1064346/